Geodist stored procedure
Geodist stored procedure

geodist stored procedure

Global Mapper - Geospatial and remote sensing data analysis.gdal2tilesp - This enhancement to the script includes additional features.ERDAS - Geospatial image processing and classification software.ENVI - Geospatial image processing and classification software.


  • e-Foto - Free and open source digital photogrammetric workstation.
  • Dinamica EGO - Dinamica EGO consists of a sophisticated platform for environmental modeling.

    ArcMap Raster Edit Suite - An ArcMap Addin that enables manual editing of single pixels on raster layer.yogrt - A simple templating tool for importing GIS data to PostGIS.TileDB - TileDB is a powerful engine for storing and accessing dense and sparse multi-dimensional arrays, which can help you model any complex data efficiently.Tile38 - Tile38 is a geospatial database, spatial index, and realtime geofence.Teradata Geospatial Feature - Teradata spatial extension for DW and BI.SciDB - Array database designed for multidimensional data management and analytics common to scientific, geospatial, financial, and industrial applications.Rasdaman - Array database that allows storing and querying massive multi-dimensional arrays, such as sensor, image, simulation, and statistics data appearing in domains like earth, space, and life science.PostGIS - PostgreSql spatial extension.

    geodist stored procedure

  • PostGIS Vector Tile Utils - A set of PostgreSQL functions that are useful when creating vector tile sources.
  • PgRouting - pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality.
  • OrientDB - OrientDB is an Open Source Multi-Model NoSQL DBMS with the support of Native Graphs, Documents Full-Text, Reactivity, Geo-Spatial and Object Oriented concepts.
  • Oracle Spatial - Oracle database spatial extension.
  • Neo4j Spatial - Library of spatial utilities for Neo4j.
  • MySql Spatial - MySql spatial extension.
  • MongoDB - Also supports GeoJSON and spatial indexes.
  • MobilityDB - An extension to the Postgres database which adds support for temporal and spatio-temporal objects.
  • NET library (can be downloaded using nuget) All the spatial functionality is also available as a.
  • Microsoft SQL Server - Microsoft SQL/SQL Azure spatial features.
  • Informix Spatial - Informix spatial extension.
  • Hastings - GeoSpatial Search for CouchDB 2.
  • H2GIS - A spatial extension of the H2 database.
  • More powerful than its older brother Spatialite.
  • Geopackage - SQLite spatial extension.
  • GeoCouch - GeoCouch is a spatial extension for Couchbase and Apache CouchDB.
  • DB2 Spatial Extender - Spatial Extender allows you to store, manage, and analyze spatial data in DB2.
  • geodist stored procedure

    Cloudant - IBM noSQL database that supports spatial data (GeoJSON).The database model contains semantically rich, hierarchically structured, multi-scale urban objects facilitating complex GIS modeling and analysis tasks, far beyond visualization. 3D CityDB - A free 3D geo database to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models on top of a standard spatial relational database.Geospatial analysis, or just spatial analysis, is an approach to applying statistical analysis and other analytic techniques to data which has a geographical or spatial aspect.

    Geodist stored procedure